4 Commandments Of Eating For Fat Loss

Eating For Fat Loss

4 Commandments Of Eating For Fat Loss

Imagine being able to ignore all of the garbage you’ve heard about diets, nutrition and new fads and just lose weight!

Well I’m going to lay it out for you very clearly here…

If you follow these 4 Commandments of Healthy Eating, you’ll lose weight.

End of story…

1. Eat Mostly Whole Foods 

These are foods that spoil or rot. They once walked, swam, grew or flew!

We’re talking meat, eggs, vegetables and fruit.

Chop that visible fat off your meat when it’s raw and don’t add a bunch of oil in cooking. 

What worked for our cavemen brothers, works for us because it’s what the human body was designed to eat.

2. Stop Eating Reactively

Ask yourself, ‘when do I eat garbage food?’ and it’s nearly always going to be when you are unprepared and have to buy food on the run, most often during work times

As such, the simple response to this is BE PREPARED so you don’t get caught out.

No man ever said, ‘Oh man, this sucks! I’ve got a packed lunch’.

But when you’re regrettably chowing down on your next service station ‘pie and coke’, remember this post.

3. Stay Mindful When Eating

Sounds to airy-fairy for you? Cool… We’ll let me make it simpler…

It takes your belly about 15 minutes to send the message to your brain that it’s full.

So when you gorge your meals like a hyena at a new kill, you’re already past full before you actually realise it.

Which is why you feel so garbage and fatigued after a big meal…

So slow down, enjoy your food and realise that no one is going to die if you have left overs.

4. Don’t Drink Your Calories

Check this:

-       1 orange = 62 calories;

-       600ml orange juice = 300 calories;

Why? Because it takes 5 oranges to make a bottle of juice. Would you ever sit down and eat 5 oranges in a row?

Fluids, with no chewing involved, are the simplest way to fatten you up!

Full cream milk, booze, sodas, juices – it’s like injecting spoonfuls of sugar into your blood which if repeated, will likely keep you in calorie surplus… That means, belly fat!

Go for water, calorie-free sodas, black coffees, tea or kombucha. It’s the simplest way to cut cals!


These are the type of changes I help my clients make to achieve long-term, sustainable fat loss.

The type of fat loss that allows them to see their d1ck again!

And that’s something we’d probably all like to do…

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