
Hi, I’m Jase Stuart and YOU are My Purpose

I Want To Help You Get Unstuck And On Track To A Better Body

I’m Jase Stuart, The Better Body Coach.

I’m the Founder and Leader of the Men Mastering Weight Loss and Health Facebook Community and personal coach for over 250 men.

This is my story.

I was born about one-hour North of Sydney, Australia on the beautiful, sunny Central Coast.

I grew up in a middle-class family under two amazing, but not privileged parents. Mum is Aussie and came from the bush - my dad claims to have saved her from milking cows for eternity.

My dad came to Australia in the late 50’s as a 6-year old Maltese immigrant with zero English language. He went on to create a small but very success concreting business that my younger brother now runs.

My dad is my hero.

He’s the type of dad that I aspire to be. One that sets high expectations and creates a good example for his kids.

In fact, he is the exact reason I worked so hard at school to get into uni and study as a Dietitian. I admired him, but I did not want to be him.

Like many men (perhaps including you), his days were spend slogging in the heat or pouring rain to finish jobs and ensure the client always got what they paid for. I saw what quality service was but also, what men around the world have to go through to provide for their families.

He was a hard man - uncompromising and often highly stressed, although he’d never admit to that.

But I could see between the lines. I understood his reasons.

He wanted his kids to have it easier than he did but also to teach us that nothing but your best is acceptable. He continued to repeat that ‘achievement lies between your two ears’ and that ‘no one else is going to do it for you’.

Right now, you can probably see clearly where my desire to help other men change their lives comes from.


Being The Example You Want To Be

I learned something very early from the ol’ man. That a mindset for being healthy gets instilled as a kid.

I’m fortunate that my parents started me young in sports and exercise. I think I got my first gym membership at 9 years old - my dad insisted that staying injury free whilst playing rugby would be achieved by focussed training. Wow, he was right.

Through nearly 2 decades of playing rugby and building my strength without any steroids or the cheat methods that young guys use now, I avoided any damage.

But it seemed my childhood was not ‘typical’

I had no idea until my middle teens just how much our lives are shaped by our surroundings and experiences. The ‘lucky’ childhood that I had was not the same for a lot of guys in our social circle.

I’m not being critical here, just explaining what I saw.

Households where the same love and example was not set.

Where healthiness wasn’t as important to the family and where that poor envionrment was passed on to the kids through their eating and exercise habits.

Where my dad was able to take me for a run at the beach after work, other dads were at the pub or sitting on the couch. And to be fair, I can see why this happens.

Being the example you want to be is HARD.

And when I ask my clients that are fathers for their biggest WHY in wanting to change their body, it’s nearly always because they want to be a better role model for their kids.

They admit they’re tired and stressed. They’re often carrying a belly.

But the nagging pain of looking at oneself in the mirror and disliking the reflection eventually becomes too much.

Following A Life Purpose

One thing shaped my beliefs about health more than any prior experience. That was the ongoing cancer battle my mate Matt ‘Beefy’ Hydnes went through over the course of more than 15 years.

He and I were Captain and Vice Captain of our school and met through rugby. He was a beautiful man, always smiling and laughing. He was everyone’s best mate. I proudly nicknamed him ‘Beefy’ after his big, beefy man-boobs he got as a teenager. Little did I know that such a happy-go-lucky guy could be so tenacious, such a fighter when a huge life challenge hit him.

Matt was diagnosed with cancer in his mid-teens and battled through TWO double lung transplants, massive secondary complications and 15 years of remission and relapse before we finally lost him. His strength was incomprehensible. I often wonder whether I could be that strong if faced with the same fight.

But there was a massive realisation for me in witnessing my mate’s trauma.

It was that living is a true gift, one to be experienced at its fullest.

If we are lucky enough to not draw the short straw that Beefy did, we have an opportunity to make our mark on the world and enjoy it for all that it offers.

For YOU, that would include being the best dad, the best partner, the best friend or the best performer you can be.

For ME, it meant following a life purpose to not only be these same things, but to be an educator and inspiration to other men.

For as long as I live, I intend to serve men, like you around the world by helping you learn how to get unstuck. I want you to experience the confidence, vitality and happiness that getting in shape can bring.

And I want to show you how it is totally possible to achieve a life you love without stupid diets and unrealistic workout schedules.

I want you the look in the mirror and LOVE what you see.

And I hope that you too become the inspiration that the world needs to see more of so that our message continues.


Welcome to Our Community

What’s become clear to me through 250 successful transformations, is that changing on your own is HARD.

Sure, you could figure it out yourself but that might take years. These are years where you are living short of your best life.

However surrounding yourself with others on the same journey and who’ve experienced similar challenges provides you the support you need.

And it is through this community that I put to practice the lessons I learned from my dad, my childhood and my 15 years in coaching men.

And this includes reminding you of the two key messages:

‘Achievement lies between your two ears’ and that ‘no one else is going to do it for you’.

They say that the greatest journeys start with taking a single step.

I truly hope you join us and start on your path to a better body now.

You have everything to gain…