How To Do A Live Autopsy On Yourself

Live Autopsy

How To Do A Live Autopsy On Yourself

Let’s start with the PS…

PS. I expect this to put a few readers off and I am totally good with that... 

I'm not in this to make friends,

I am in it to make A DIFFERENCE in the lives of the men that want to change... 

And this post is directly inviting you to take action...

Some men will however feel it's not what they want to hear right now and it's easier to avoid confronting this...

That's cool!

SUBJECT: How To Do A Live Autopsy On Yourself

The idea of conducting an autopsy is to determine the cause of death, right?

But in truth, the only real benefit is to give piece of mind to love ones left behind…

Hindsight’s great, but knowing how we died does little to bring us back

So, what if instead, we could do a ‘live autopsy’ while we were still alive?

Strange thought right, but work with me... 

1️⃣ First, the physical examination 🧠👀

If they were to open you up right now, what would they see?

👉🏻 What condition would your heart be in? Strong and pumping, or weak and fluttering?

👉🏻 What about your lungs, liver and kidneys? Clean and efficient? Or dirty and damaged?

👉🏻What about the blood vessels? Smooth and flowing or clogged and calcified?

👉🏻Would the surgeon be thinking ‘wow, this guy’s doing well’ or ‘f*ck, he’s got 10 years, max!’

2️⃣  Next, the emotional examination? ❤️👀

If they could look inside your mind and check your thoughts, what would they observe?

👉🏻A guy that feels stuck or liberated?

👉🏻A man that feels agitated or fulfilled?

👉🏻 A bloke full of resentment or a bloke full of love and gratitude?

This my brother, is the key to getting what you want while you’re alive

Slicing yourself open and inspecting your wounds.

Going to work on yourself BEFORE you reach a point that you can't

It’s a process I’ve personally done over and over… And it's confronting and scary

Realising your own mortality and doing something about it is critical

Not becoming so occupied with ‘things’ that we forget to live

Not letting your mind and body wither away while you chase a retirement you might not see unless you change your current trajectory.

Conducting a live autopsy is confronting…

➡️ But it’s a bloody good way to create leverage on yourself to act now ⬅️

➡️ It’s a great way to improve your quality of life ⬅️

➡️ It’s a great way to kick your own ass into gear ⬅️

And I’d be privileged to assist you on your journey if you want help

Just book a call below…

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